Open your own Spinning® studio!

A training form that never goes out of style: no fitness facility can miss Spinning® classes and original Spinner® bikes! You can think of a smaller Spinning® studio or even a large fitness facility: we will help you to open your own Spinning® studio!

Your clients will love it

Rent Spinning® bikes from us

As the official Hungarian representative of the Spinning® brand, our goal is for as many people as possible to experience the uplifting feeling that the Spinning® program can provide.

For us, brand representation also means serving fitness studios, gym and sports club operators who want to offer their clients Spinning® classes - in the professional quality that is expected of us, of course.

Are you thinking about Spinning®?

We are not only providing you with bikes simply, we also provide the following:

Sales and rental, in discounted, fleet structures

Regular maintenance
and consultation

Connecting you to instrctors, instructor training for your trainers

Quick service
and deployment

The experience
of Spinning: success
is guaranteed

We help you all the way!

Have the full Spinning® experience at your venue

"I just order the bikes and
I can introduce Spinning® classes among my services?"

No, but we show you how you can
provide Spinning® classes in your studio!

We will help you in every step!

Aquiring Spinner® bikes
(purchase or rent)

Spinning® Instructors
(their training can be
held at your venue, too!)

Spinning® classes at your facility

“But how would I know, that my clients will like Spinning®?”

read our PARTNERS' testimonials

All of them experienced that Spinning® workouts
increase the attendance and satisfaction of their clients!

SPINNING® Studio owners said

Örök hálám, hogy rávezettetek erre a csodálatos útra!

I have been a Spinning® Instructor and studio owner since 2015. I currently have 17 original Spinning bikes. In recent years, the "Spinning-feeling" and Spinning itself has become an integral part of our lives, so we can live our everyday lives reborn. My eternal gratitude to Spinning Hungary for leading me onto this wonderful journey both as a Spinning® Instructor and as a studio owner!

Mrs. Dóra Ország Kiss

Studio owner

Szakmai és üzleti téren is a legjobb választásnak bizonyult

As a studio owner and a Spinning® instructor as well, I feel the best decision was to equip my place with original Spinner® bikes - it has proven to be the best choice, in both professionally and in terms of business, too. Very well functioning, reliable and nice bikes. Our guests jump into the saddle with pleasure and manage to create the positive atmosphere that is the basis of continuous inspiration, from training to training.

Enikő Bartó

Studio owner

Vendégeink imádják a Spinning edzéseket

Ebben az évben lehetőségünk nyílt arra, hogy egy modernebb technológiájú, csendesebb és kevesebb karbantartást igénylő Spinnerekre cseréljük le a meglévő gépparkot - ezek a 2022-ben megjelent szíjhajtásos PRO Spinnerek. Vendégeink imádják a Spinning edzéseket, ami igazolja a Spinning program pozitív hatását életünkre, egészségünkre, fittségi állapotunkra!

Boglárka Szabó-Lukovszki

Studio owner

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